Through lifting her skirt The goddess Baubo helped Demeter to retrieve her laughter! Submit a photo of you doing the same – as a gesture of female power and as a shield un-shamed humor! Below you find already some modern „Baubos“!
1. Set up your camera or have a friend take the photo
2. Grasp your skirt/dress with your hands: This can be at the hight of ankles, calves or tights.
3. Lift the skirt without revealing your genitals or your face! (there are other great projects with this mission, look at LINKS) We just see the intention.
4. Different ages, looks and surroundings make a more colorful and complete whole
Please send one or various photos, vertical or horizontal format, mobile phone quality is fine. Share the project with your friends!
I am very happy to welcome you in this virtual wave of female connectedness!
Questions? Write to me at caludi(at)
Her message and her gift is the power and vitality of her Vulva, the certain signs of her guts and the untamed un-shamed speech „out of the middle“. People know her by different names in different regions and cultures. Personification of fertility and deep laughter. Her name stands for uterus, womb, cave. The greek goddess Baubo helped goddess Demeter – who’s grief over the loss of her daughter Persephone stopped the worlds fertility and created winter – to retrieve her joy and laughter, by lifting her skirt. When Demeter laughed, the fecundity of the world returned. This myth goes along with other tribal tradition in which lifting the skirt is a gesture of female power. Also suitable to chase away aggressors and demons. Baubo looks quite special. Her belly is at the same time her head, her breasts are her eyes, and her vulva is her mouth. And with her vulva mouth she tells obscene jokes and laughs so deeply and vibrating, that she makes the world tremble.
Find out more about the Myth of the Baubo.